Übersetzung von "association" ins Portugiesische



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Wörterbuch für "association"

association [əˌsəusɪˈeɪʃən] substantiv Anhören
pl. associations
a associação f Anhören
The association has a number of thirty members.
A associação tem trinta membros.

Phrasen mit "association" (29)

  1. american bar association - associação americana de advogados
  2. Armed forces communications and electronics association - Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association
  3. Association sportive de monaco football club - Association sportive de Monaco football club
  4. Association sportive de saint-étienne - Association sportive de Saint-Étienne
  5. Association sportive de saint-étienne loire - Association sportive de Saint-Étienne Loire
  6. Association sportive nancy-lorraine - Association sportive Nancy-Lorraine
  7. Bournemouth association football club - Bournemouth Association Football Club
  8. Bradford city association football club - Bradford City Association Football Club
  9. Huddersfield town association football club - Huddersfield Town Association Football Club
  10. Hull city association football club - Hull City Association Football Club
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Kontexte mit "association"

The association has a number of thirty members. A associação tem trinta membros.
Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. Toda pessoa tem direito à liberdade de reunião e associação pacíficas.
My association with them didn't last long. Minha relação com eles não durou muito tempo.
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