Translation of "безнадежный кредит" to English
Dictionary translations for "безнадежный кредит"
безнадёжные кредиты
bad loan
Банки никогда не хотели признавать наличие безнадежных кредитов.
Banks never wanted to admit to their bad loans, and now they don't want to recognize the losses, at least not until they can adequately recapitalize themselves through their trading profits and the large spread between their high lending rates and rock-bottom borrowing costs.
Contexts with "безнадежный кредит"
Банки никогда не хотели признавать наличие безнадежных кредитов.
Banks never wanted to admit to their bad loans, and now they don't want to recognize the losses, at least not until they can adequately recapitalize themselves through their trading profits and the large spread between their high lending rates and rock-bottom borrowing costs.
Пока банки зомби, отягощены безнадежными кредитами, вряд ли что-то изменится.
As long as zombie banks are weighed down with bad loans, that is unlikely to change much.
По мере того как международные банкиры разоряются, создавая легионы безнадежных кредитов, африканские банкиры продолжают получать прибыль по-старинке:
While international bankers went bust by making legions of bad loans, African bankers stuck to earning profits the old-fashioned way:
По мере того как международные банкиры разоряются, создавая легионы безнадежных кредитов, африканские банкиры продолжают получать прибыль по-старинке: очень мало платя вкладчикам и много зарабатывая за счет покупки гарантированных правительственных долговых обязательств, которые приносят значительную отдачу.
While international bankers went bust by making legions of bad loans, African bankers stuck to earning profits the old-fashioned way: paying very little to depositors, and earning a big “spread” by buying guaranteed government debt, which yielded healthy returns.
Банки никогда не хотели признавать наличие безнадежных кредитов. А сейчас они не хотят признавать убытки до тех пор, пока они должным образом не рекапитализируют себя за счет прибыли от торговых операций и большой маржи между высокими ставки по выдаваемым кредитам и крайне низкими расходами по займам.
Banks never wanted to admit to their bad loans, and now they don’t want to recognize the losses, at least not until they can adequately recapitalize themselves through their trading profits and the large spread between their high lending rates and rock-bottom borrowing costs.
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