Conjugação e declinação de palavras "pane" em inglês

Declinação do substantivo pane[peɪn]      vidro

Common case
Possessive case

Conjugação do verbo pane[peɪn], regular      envidraçar

All forms Indicative Conditional Participles Infinitives


Present Indefinite

I pane
you pane
he/she/it panes
we pane
you pane
they pane

Present Continuous

I am paning
you are paning
he/she/it is paning
we are paning
you are paning
they are paning

Present Perfect

I have paned
you have paned
he/she/it has paned
we have paned
you have paned
they have paned

Present Perfect Continuous

I have been paning
you have been paning
he/she/it has been paning
we have been paning
you have been paning
they have been paning

Past Indefinite

I paned
you paned
he/she/it paned
we paned
you paned
they paned

Past Continuous

I was paning
you were paning
he/she/it was paning
we were paning
you were paning
they were paning

Past Perfect

I had paned
you had paned
he/she/it had paned
we had paned
you had paned
they had paned

Past Perfect Continuous

I had been paning
you had been paning
he/she/it had been paning
we had been paning
you had been paning
they had been paning

Future Indefinite

I will pane
you will pane
he/she/it will pane
we will pane
you will pane
they will pane

Future Continuous

I will be paning
you will be paning
he/she/it will be paning
we will be paning
you will be paning
they will be paning

Future Perfect

I will have paned
you will have paned
he/she/it will have paned
we will have paned
you will have paned
they will have paned

Future Perfect Continuous

I will have been paning
you will have been paning
he/she/it will have been paning
we will have been paning
you will have been paning
they will have been paning


Conditional Present

I would pane
you would pane
he/she/it would pane
we would pane
you would pane
they would pane

Conditional Present Continuous

I would be paning
you would be paning
he/she/it would be paning
we would be paning
you would be paning
they would be paning

Conditional Perfect

I would have paned
you would have paned
he/she/it would have paned
we would have paned
you would have paned
they would have paned

Conditional Perfect Continuous

I would have been paning
you would have been paning
he/she/it would have been paning
we would have been paning
you would have been paning
they would have been paning








to pane
to have paned
to be paning
to have been paning
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