Conjugación y declinación de "touch-up" en inglés

Declinación del sustantivo touch-up     

Common case
Possessive case

Conjugación del verbo touch-up, regolare     

All forms Indicative Conditional Participles Infinitives


Present Indefinite

I touch-up
you touch-up
he/she/it touch-ups
we touch-up
you touch-up
they touch-up

Present Continuous

I am touch-upping
you are touch-upping
he/she/it is touch-upping
we are touch-upping
you are touch-upping
they are touch-upping

Present Perfect

I have touch-upped
you have touch-upped
he/she/it has touch-upped
we have touch-upped
you have touch-upped
they have touch-upped

Present Perfect Continuous

I have been touch-upping
you have been touch-upping
he/she/it has been touch-upping
we have been touch-upping
you have been touch-upping
they have been touch-upping

Past Indefinite

I touch-upped
you touch-upped
he/she/it touch-upped
we touch-upped
you touch-upped
they touch-upped

Past Continuous

I was touch-upping
you were touch-upping
he/she/it was touch-upping
we were touch-upping
you were touch-upping
they were touch-upping

Past Perfect

I had touch-upped
you had touch-upped
he/she/it had touch-upped
we had touch-upped
you had touch-upped
they had touch-upped

Past Perfect Continuous

I had been touch-upping
you had been touch-upping
he/she/it had been touch-upping
we had been touch-upping
you had been touch-upping
they had been touch-upping

Future Indefinite

I will touch-up
you will touch-up
he/she/it will touch-up
we will touch-up
you will touch-up
they will touch-up

Future Continuous

I will be touch-upping
you will be touch-upping
he/she/it will be touch-upping
we will be touch-upping
you will be touch-upping
they will be touch-upping

Future Perfect

I will have touch-upped
you will have touch-upped
he/she/it will have touch-upped
we will have touch-upped
you will have touch-upped
they will have touch-upped

Future Perfect Continuous

I will have been touch-upping
you will have been touch-upping
he/she/it will have been touch-upping
we will have been touch-upping
you will have been touch-upping
they will have been touch-upping


Conditional Present

I would touch-up
you would touch-up
he/she/it would touch-up
we would touch-up
you would touch-up
they would touch-up

Conditional Present Continuous

I would be touch-upping
you would be touch-upping
he/she/it would be touch-upping
we would be touch-upping
you would be touch-upping
they would be touch-upping

Conditional Perfect

I would have touch-upped
you would have touch-upped
he/she/it would have touch-upped
we would have touch-upped
you would have touch-upped
they would have touch-upped

Conditional Perfect Continuous

I would have been touch-upping
you would have been touch-upping
he/she/it would have been touch-upping
we would have been touch-upping
you would have been touch-upping
they would have been touch-upping








to touch-up
to have touch-upped
to be touch-upping
to have been touch-upping
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