Exemples d'utilisation de "as well as" en anglais

As well as any other taxes Ebenso wie alle anderen Steuern
He as well as you likes baseball. Er mag Baseball, genau wie du.
She was intelligent as well as beautiful. Sie war so intelligent, wie sie schön war.
Tony speaks English as well as you. Tony spricht so gut Englisch wie du.
I can swim as well as you. Ich kann genauso gut schwimmen wie du.
I speak French as well as she does. Ich spreche so gut Französisch wie sie.
His daughter, as well as his son, were famous. Seine Tochter, genauso wie sein Sohn, waren berühmt.
I can't speak English as well as he. Ich spreche nicht so gut Englisch wie er.
I cannot cook as well as my mother does. Ich kann nicht so gut kochen, wie meine Mutter.
He speaks Spanish as well as he speaks French. Er spricht Spanisch genauso gut wie Französisch.
Tom can speak French almost as well as Mary. Tom kann fast genauso gut Französisch sprechen wie Mary.
She as well as her friends is fond of music. Genau wie ihre Freunde mag sie gerne Musik.
I can't speak English as well as he can. Ich spreche nicht so gut Englisch wie er.
Tom can speak French almost as well as Mary can. Tom kann fast genauso gut Französisch sprechen wie Mary.
Please find enclosed a pro forma invoice as well as a bill of lading. Im Anhang finden Sie eine Proformarechnung und ein Konnossement.
Education should not be a burden on the parents as well as on the children. Ausbildung sollte weder eine Bürde für die Eltern noch für die Kinder sein.
I can understand German as well as the maniac that invented it, but I talk it best through an interpreter. Ich verstehe Deutsch genausogut wie der Irre, der es erfunden hat, spreche es aber am besten mittels eines Dolmetschers.
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