Sentence examples of "be worth a fortune" in English

It would be worth a thought Valdría un pensamiento
It's worth a fortune. Vale un dineral.
Good words are worth a lot, but cost almost nothing. Las buenas palabras valen mucho y cuestan poco.
My uncle made a fortune. Mi tío hizo una fortuna.
All these books will be worth their weight in gold someday. Todos estos libros valdrán su peso en oro algún día.
It's worth a try. Vale la pena intentarlo.
He is burning to make a fortune. Está como loco por hacer fortuna.
This painting is worth a great deal of money. Este cuadro vale mucho dinero.
He lost a fortune in the stock market. Perdió una fortuna en la bolsa.
A picture is worth a thousand words. Una imagen vale más que mil palabras.
Tom must have spent a fortune on his new house. Tom debe haber gastado una fortuna en su nueva casa.
I think it's worth a try. Creo que vale la pena intentar.
I thought that a laptop would cost a fortune; however, the prices have gone down considerably. Pensé que un notebook costaría una fortuna; sin embargo, los precios han caído considerablemente.
worth a visit vale la pena una visita
He made a fortune in oil. Hizo una fortuna en petróleo.
Tom must have spent a fortune. Tom debe de haberse gastado una fortuna.
He heaped up a fortune. Amasó una fortuna.
This diamond costs a fortune. Este diamante cuesta una fortuna.
I'd like to buy this computer, but it costs a fortune! ¡Querría comprar este ordenador, pero cuesta un riñón!
He made a fortune by writing a best selling novel. Hizo una fortuna al escribir una novela best-seller.
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