Sentence examples of "quarrels" in English

Our friendship is greater than our quarrels. Nuestra amistad es más grande que nuestras peleas.
I was involved in the quarrel. Estuve involucrado en la pelea.
They are always quarrelling in public. Siempre están peleándose en público.
Our conversation always ends in a quarrel. Nuestras conversaciones siempre terminan en una pelea.
I quarrelled with my older brother yesterday. Ayer me peleé con mi hermano mayor.
I had a quarrel with him about trifles. Tuve una pelea con él por nimiedades.
I tried to stop their quarrel, but that was not easy. Traté de parar la pelea, pero eso no era fácil.
Love is a quarrel which begins between a woman and a man and never finishes. El amor es una pelea que comienza entre una mujer y un hombre y nunca se termina.
Tom never quarrels with his wife in public. Tom nunca discute con su esposa en público.
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