Sentence examples of "washing" in English

Pull into shape after washing. Estirar después del lavado.
These clothes are dirty and need washing. Esta ropa está sucia y tiene que lavarse.
You broke the washing machine. Te echaste la lavadora.
She was washing the dishes. Ella estaba fregando los platos.
Mummy has to do the washing this afternoon. Mamá tiene que hacer la colada esta tarde.
He is washing a car. Está lavando un auto.
We bought a new washing machine. Compramos una lavadora nueva.
It's your turn to do the washing up. I did it yesterday. Te toca a ti fregar los platos, ayer lo hice yo.
He started washing his car. Él empezó a lavar el coche.
The washing machine has broken down. Se ha roto la lavadora.
He is washing the car. Está lavando el coche.
I am assembling the washing machine. Estoy armando la lavadora.
I'm washing the dishes. Estoy lavando los platos.
I am fixing the washing machine. Estoy arreglando la lavadora.
He is washing your car. Está lavando tu coche.
I am repairing the washing machine. Estoy arreglando la lavadora.
They're washing their hands. Ellos se están lavando las manos.
Something is wrong with this washing machine. Algo anda mal con esta lavadora.
Why is mom washing the dog? ¿Por qué está mamá lavando al perro?
I have to fix the washing machine. Tengo que arreglar la lavadora.
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