Exemples d'utilisation de "Sospecho" en espagnol

Sospecho que Tom está enamorado de Mary. I suspect that Tom is in love with Mary.
Sospecho que Tom no hace su tarea por si solo. I suspect that Tom doesn't do his homework by himself.
Sospecho que Tom hizo eso solo para llamar la atención. I suspect that Tom did that just to get some attention.
Sospecho que su esposa lo está engañando con el cartero. I suspect that his wife is cheating on him with the postman.
Se sospechaba que ella era una espía. She was suspected of being a spy.
Yo sospechaba que él era un mentiroso. I suspected he was a liar.
La policía sospecha que él robó el banco. The police suspect that he robbed the bank.
La mujer sospechaba que su hijo consumía drogas. The woman suspected that her son was using drugs.
La mujer sospechaba que su hijo tomaba drogas. The woman suspected that her son was using drugs.
El policía sospechaba que el hombre era culpable. The policeman suspected the man was guilty.
La policía sospechará que él es el asesino. The police will suspect him of the murder.
Tom comenzó a sospechar que Mary lo estaba engañando. Tom began to suspect that Mary was cheating on him.
Él incluso sospechaba que ese hombre era el principal culpable. He even suspected that the man was the principal offender.
No podía dejar de sospechar que había algo detrás de ello. I could not but suspect that there was something behind it.
Tom comenzó a sospechar que Mary estaba planeando una fiesta sorpresa de cumpleaños. Tom began to suspect that Mary was planning a surprise birthday party.
Él empezó a sospechar que algo iba mal cuando el vendedor no le permitió probar el objeto antes de comprarlo. He began to suspect something was wrong when the seller didn't allow him to test the item before buying it.
Yo sospecho de que este sea un taxi ilegal. I am suspicious that this is an illegal taxi.
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