Sentence examples of "creer" in Spanish

Tom parece creer que es invencible. Tom seems to think that he's invincible.
Eso era difícil de creer. That was hard to believe.
Debes de creer que esto es divertido. You must think this is funny.
Debes creer en ti mismo. You have to believe in yourself.
No sé qué hice o dije para hacerle creer que somos buenos amigos. I don't know what I said or did to make him think that we're close friends.
¿Puedes creer lo que dijo? Can you believe what he said?
A los ancianos no les gustan las nuevas ideas; prefieren creer que el mundo ha perdido algo, en lugar de haberlo mejorado, desde que eran jóvenes. Old people don't like new ideas; they like to think that the world has lost something, rather than improved, since they were young.
¡No me lo puedo creer! I can't believe it!
Es un hecho indiscutible, creo, que los estadounidenses son, como estadounidenses, la gente más consciente de su propia incomodidad social en el mundo, y los más adictos a creer que las demás naciones de la Tierra están en una conspiración para subestimarlos. It is, I think, an indisputable fact that Americans are, as Americans, the most self-conscious people in the world, and the most addicted to the belief that the other nations of the earth are in a conspiracy to undervalue them.
Eres ingenuo al creer eso. It's naive of you to believe that.
Lo hallo difícil de creer. I find it hard to believe.
Nadie le va a creer. No one will believe him.
Tu historia es difícil de creer. Your story is hard to believe.
No puedo creer lo que veo. I can't believe my eyes.
Es difícil creer lo que dices. It is difficult to believe what you say.
No puedo creer que lo hiciera. I can't believe she did that.
Esto me parece difícil de creer. I find this hard to believe.
No puedo creer que me ames. I can't believe that you love me.
Incluso yo no lo puedo creer. Even I can't believe that.
No podía creer a mis ojos. I couldn't believe my eyes.
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