Exemples d'utilisation de "fuimos" en espagnol avec la traduction "be"

No fuimos invitados a la fiesta. We were not invited to the party.
Nosotros fuimos forzados a trabajar duro. We were forced to work hard.
Fuimos obligados a abandonar nuestro plan. We were obliged to give up our plan.
Nunca fuimos a verla otra vez. We were never to see her again.
Finalmente fuimos capaces de resolver el asunto. We were able to settle the matter finally.
Como hacía mucho calor, fuimos a bañarnos. It was so hot that we went swimming.
Hacía tanto calor que fuimos a nadar. It was so hot that we went swimming.
Como hacía tanto calor, fuimos a nadar. Since it was so hot, we went swimming.
Nos fuimos sin él porque no estaba listo. We went without him because he wasn't ready.
Nosotros fuimos jóvenes una vez, ¿no es así, Linda? We were young once, weren't we, Linda?
Nos fuimos sin él ya que no estaba listo. We went without him since he wasn't ready.
Esta es mi amiga Rachel, fuimos al instituto juntos. This is my friend Rachel. We went to high school together.
Alquilamos un coche durante una semana cuando fuimos a Italia. We hired a car for a week when we were in Italy.
Estaba lloviendo cuando nos fuimos, pero para cuando llegamos estaba soleado. It was raining when we left, but by the time we arrived, it was sunny.
"Fuimos invitados a su boda." "¿Sí? ¿y que le van a regalar?" "We were invited to their wedding." "Is that so? Well, what are you going to get them?
Fuimos fundados bajo el ideal de que todos somos creados iguales, y hemos derramado sangre y luchado durante siglos para dar significado a estas palabras, dentro de nuestras fronteras y por todo el mundo. We were founded upon the ideal that all are created equal, and we have shed blood and struggled for centuries to give meaning to those words – within our borders, and around the world.
Él confesó que era culpable. He confessed that he was guilty.
Él admitió que era verdad. He admitted that it was true.
Su difunto marido era violinista. Her late husband was a violinist.
Eso era difícil de creer. That was hard to believe.
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