Ejemplos del uso de "habría" en español

Nunca habría pensado encontrarte aquí. I never would have thought that I would meet you here.
Si Dios no existiera, habría que inventarlo. If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.
Él dijo que habría venido. He said he would have come.
Sin tu ayuda no lo habría logrado. If it were not for your help, I could not succeed.
Un verdadero amigo me habría ayudado. A true friend would have helped me.
Si no hubiera lenguaje, no habría pensamiento. But for language, there would be no thought.
No me habría preocupado por eso. I wouldn't have worried about that.
Eso sería algo que habría que programar. It would be something I'd have to program.
Si me hubieses ayudado, lo habría conseguido. If you had helped me, I should have succeeded.
Si hubiera sido rico, os habría dado dinero. If I had been rich, I would have given you some money.
Si me hubieras ayudado, lo habría logrado. If you had helped me, I should have succeeded.
El capitán nos aseguró que no habría peligro. The captain assured us that there would be no danger.
Esto es lo que yo habría dicho. This is what I would have said.
Otra tormenta y nuestra villa habría sido arruinada. Another storm, and our village would have been ruined.
Un amigo de verdad me habría ayudado. A true friend would have helped me.
Sin la mutación aleatoria de genes no habría evolución. Without the random mutation of genes there would be no evolution.
Si lo hubiera sabido te lo habría dicho. Had I known about it, I would have told you.
Si no hubiera tantos taxis, habría menos accidentes viales. If there weren't so many taxis, there would be fewer traffic accidents.
Sin la ayuda de Tom, Mary habría fracasado. Without Tom's help, Mary would have failed.
Si no hubiera desperdiciado el tiempo, ya habría terminado. If he hadn't wasted time, he'd be finished by now.
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