Exemples d'utilisation de "negocio" en espagnol

Tengo un negocio en Internet. I have an internet business.
El Internet es negocio serio. The Internet is serious business.
Tom decidió comenzar un negocio. Tom decided to start a business.
Hoy, hicimos un buen negocio. We made good business today.
Ella quiere cerrar su pequeño negocio. She wants to wind up her small business.
Es mi negocio investigar tales cosas. It's my business to investigate such things.
John está familiarizado con el negocio. John is familiar with the business.
Estoy ocupado en un nuevo negocio. I am engaged in a new business.
Su negocio fracasó el año pasado. He failed in his business last year.
Vendió su negocio y se jubiló. He sold his business and retired.
Invirtió todo su capital en ese negocio. He invested all his capital in that business.
Sustituí a mi padre en el negocio. I took over the business from my father.
Le entregué el negocio a mi hijo. I turned over the business to my son.
Mi negocio se está levantando de nuevo. My business is picking up again.
Esta es la dirección de mi negocio. This is my business address.
Al jubilarse su padre, él heredó el negocio. On his father's retirement he took over the business.
Me intentaba convencer de invertir en aquel negocio. He was trying to convince me to invest in that business.
El nuevo negocio estaba acabando con su fortuna. The new business was eating away his fortune.
Supongo que ella tendrá éxito en su negocio. I figure that she will succeed in her business.
El éxito de nuestro negocio depende del clima. The success of our business depends on the weather.
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