Sentence examples of "oculto" in Spanish

No tengo nada que ocultar. I have nothing to hide.
Yo nunca te oculté nada. I never concealed anything from you.
Decidimos seguir ocultos durante dos o tres días mas. We decided to lie hidden for a few days.
La noche me oculta con su velo; si no, el rubor teñiría mis mejillas. Thou know’st the mask of night is on my face, else would a maiden blush bepaint my cheek.
Pienso que ella está ocultando información a la policía. I think she is withholding information from the police.
No puedo ocultar mis sentimientos. I can't hide my feelings.
El criminal tuvo que ocultar su identidad. The criminal had to conceal his identity.
Si me enseñas a bailar, te mostraré mis cicatrices ocultas. If you teach me how to dance, I will show you my hidden scars.
Yo no te estoy ocultando nada. I'm not hiding anything from you.
Tom le ocultó su ira a Mary. Tom concealed his anger from Mary.
Mantenemos ocultos nuestros pensamientos más interesantes y el lado más interesante de nosotros mismos. We keep our most interesting thoughts and the most interesting side of ourselves hidden away.
Las elipses tienen tanto que ocultar... Ellipses have so much to hide....
Ella trató en vano de ocultar su temor. She tried in vain to conceal her fear.
Para detectar drogas o explosivos ocultos, no hay tecnología que iguale a la nariz de un can. For detecting drugs or hidden explosives, there's no technology that can match a dog's nose.
No tienes que ocultar tus sentimientos. You don't have to hide your feelings.
Ella trató de ocultar su dolor en la fiesta. She tried to conceal her grief at the party.
Mary no tiene nada que ocultar. Mary has nothing to hide.
Las armas estaban ocultas en el fondo de su equipaje. The weapons were concealed in the bottom of his baggage.
Ocultó su tristeza tras una sonrisa. He hid his sadness behind a smile.
No está bien que un hombre oculte cosas a su esposa. It is wrong for a man to conceal things from his wife.
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