Exemples d'utilisation de "tocaba" en espagnol avec la traduction "play"

Tocaba el piano de oído. He played piano by ear.
Ella tocaba el piano con entusiasmo. She played the piano with enthusiasm.
Se electrocutó mientras tocaba el arpa eléctrica. He was electrocuted while playing the electric harp.
Él tocaba el piano y ella cantaba. He played the piano and she sang.
Ella tocaba el piano en ese momento. She was playing the piano at that time.
John tocaba la guitarra y sus amigos cantaban. John played guitar and his friends sang.
Juan tocaba la guitarra y sus amigos cantaban. John played the guitar and his friends sang.
A menudo toca la guitarra. He often plays the guitar.
Toca el piano de oído. He played piano by ear.
Mi mamá toca bien piano. My mother plays the piano well.
¡Qué bien toca el piano! How well she plays the piano!
Toca el piano muy bien. He plays the piano very well.
Mi hermano toca la guitarra. My brother plays the guitar.
Yo toco en una banda. I play in a band.
Yo no toco el piano. I do not play the piano.
Él estaba tocando el piano. He was playing the piano.
¿Quién está tocando el piano? Who is playing the piano?
Estábamos tocando en el parque. We were playing in the park.
¿Quién está tocando la guitarra? Who is playing the guitar?
Alguien está tocando el piano. Somebody is playing the piano.
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