Sentence examples of "villa" in Spanish

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre una villa y un pueblo? What's the difference between a village and a town?
¿Qué, no sabes que eres el hazmerreír de toda la villa? Don't you know that you are the laughingstock of the whole town?
Nuestro colegio está en esta villa. Our school is in this village.
Al fin llegamos a la villa. At last, we arrived at the village.
Él tuvo que dejar la villa. He had to leave the village.
Toda la villa salió a recibirlo. The whole village came out to welcome him.
Tom vive en una pequeña villa. Tom lives in a small village.
Todos en la villa lo conocían. Everybody in the village knew him.
El terreno se volvió una villa. The land became a slum.
Tom corrió de regreso a la villa. Tom ran back to the village.
El hospital estaba muy lejos de su villa. The hospital was far away from his village.
Ella era querida por todos en la villa. She was loved by everybody in the village.
Mi tío tiene una granja en la villa. My uncle has a farm in the village.
Otra tormenta y nuestra villa habría sido arruinada. Another storm, and our village would have been ruined.
Parecía que no hubiera nadie en la villa. It seemed that there was no one in the village.
La villa se ubica en lo alto de las montañas. The village is located high up in the mountains.
Se volverá más y más difícil vivir en la villa. It will become more and more difficult to live in the village.
Nosotros bajamos al valle en donde se ubica la villa. We went down to the valley where the village is.
La noticia causo alerta a lo largo de la villa. The news caused alarm throughout the village.
Aquí solía haber una villa antes de que construyeran la presa. There used to be a village here before the dam was made.
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