Sentence examples of "vieillissant" in French

Il s'est senti vieillir. He felt himself growing old.
Si ça ne vient pas d'Écosse et n'a pas vieilli au moins douze ans, alors ce n'est pas du whisky. If it's not from Scotland and it hasn't been aged at least twelve years, then it isn't whisky.
La mode vieillit et passe. Fashions grow old and die.
Il est possible que je sois centenaire, ou plus ; mais ne saurais le dire parce que je n'ai jamais vieilli comme les autres hommes, pas plus que je me souviens d'une quelconque enfance. Possibly I am a hundred, possibly more; but I cannot tell because I have never aged as other men, nor do I remember any childhood.
Vivre, c'est vieillir, rien de plus. Living is growing old, nothing more.
Tout le monde meurt. Moi aussi je vieillirai. Everyone dies. I'll grow old too.
Il devint plus sage en vieillissant. He became wiser as he grew older.
En vieillissant, il est devenu plus obstiné. As he grew older, he became more obstinate.
En vieillissant on se fait plus silencieux. As one grows older, one becomes more silent.
Je suis né de confession hébraïque, mais en vieillissant, je me suis converti au narcissisme. I was born into the Hebrew persuasion, but when I got older I converted to narcissism.
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