Sentence examples of "compartir" in Spanish

Juro que lo iba a compartir. I swear I was going to share it.
Debes compartir tus trabajos con otros. You must share your jobs with others.
¿Estarías dispuesto a compartir tu código conmigo? Would you be willing to share your code with me?
Me gustaría compartir mi secreto con vos. I'd like to share my secret with you.
No me molesta compartir la habitación con él. I don't mind sharing the room with him.
Nos pusimos de acuerdo en compartir las tareas del hogar. We agreed to share the housework.
¿Tenías que compartir una pieza con tus hermanos o hermanas? Did you have to share a bedroom with your brothers or sisters?
No quiero compartir la habitación del hotel con un desconocido. I don't want to share the hotel room with a stranger.
¿Puedes compartir la comida con otros en frente de la hambruna? Can you share food with others in the face of famine?
Gente que quiere compartir sus creencias religiosas contigo casi nunca quiere que tú compartas las tuyas con ellos. People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them.
Eso es lo que significa compartir este mundo en el siglo 21. Esa es la responsabilidad que tenemos el uno al otro como seres humanos. That is what it means to share this world in the 21st century. That is the responsibility we have to one another as human beings.
A él también se le acredita haber desterrado a todas las serpientes de Irlanda, y es por este logro que yo quisiera compartir esta alegoría y unirme con San Patricio en desterrar a las serpiente de toda Babilonia, y de todas partes. He is also credited with banishing all the snakes from Ireland, and it is to this accomplishment that I would like to share this allegory and join with St. Patrick in banishing the snakes from all of Babylon, everywhere.
No compartas esto con nadie. Don't share this with anyone.
Compartimos felices e importantes momentos. We shared happy and important moments.
Él y yo compartimos pieza. He and I share a room.
No compartimos los mismos valores. We don't share the same values.
Ellos comparten las mismas creencias. They share their same beliefs.
Él compartió su sopa conmigo. He shared his soup with me.
Es importante que comparta su dolor. It's important that you share your pain.
Comparte la comida con tu hermano. Share your lunch with your brother.
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