Sentence examples of "difícil" in Spanish

Es difícil resolver ese problema. The problem is difficult to solve.
Es difícil tratar con Tom. Tom is hard to deal with.
¡Es difícil hacer predicciones, especialmente sobre el futuro! It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future!
Es difícil tocar el piano. It is difficult to play the piano.
Eso era difícil de creer. That was hard to believe.
Este es un tipo de madera difícil de serruchar. This kind of wood is tough to saw through.
El problema era muy difícil. The problem was very difficult.
Él es difícil de tratar. He is hard to get along with.
El inglés me resulta más difícil que las matemáticas. English is tougher for me than math.
Es difícil tener buenas ideas. It's difficult to have great ideas.
Esto se está poniendo difícil. This is getting hard.
Es difícil dejar de fumar. It is difficult to give up smoking.
Encontré difícil leer este libro. This book seemed hard to read to me.
No es difícil hablar inglés. It is not difficult to speak English.
¿Ves? No fue tan difícil. You see? It wasn't so hard.
Es difícil visualizar cuatro dimensiones. It's difficult to visualize four dimensions.
Jack es difícil de convencer. It is hard to convince Jack.
Era demasiado difícil para mí. It was too difficult for me.
Eso es difícil de decir. That's hard to say.
Es difícil hablar tres lenguas. It is difficult to speak three languages.
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