Sentence examples of "honesta" in Spanish

Según él, ella es honesta. According to him, she is honest.
Ella es valiente y honesta. She's brave and honest.
Quiero ser una persona honesta. I want to be an honest person.
Ella no es de ninguna manera honesta. She is by no means honest.
Pienso que ella es una mujer honesta. I think she's an honest woman.
Doy por sentado que la gente es honesta. I take it for granted that people are honest.
Nosotros creemos que Tom es una persona honesta. We think that Tom is an honest person.
Digas lo que digas, yo creo que él es una persona honesta. Say what you will, I think he is an honest person.
Él no es nada honesto. He is not honest at all.
Encontrar un hombre honesto es más difícil que ganar la lotería. Finding a decent man is more difficult than winning a lottery.
No creo que él sea honesto. I don't think he is truthful.
Sé que Juan es honesto. I know that John is honest.
¿Él, honesto? ¡Debes estar bromeando! Him, honest? What a joke!
Él es pobre pero honesto. He is poor, but honest.
Lo contraté porque era honesto. As he was an honest man, I employed him.
He sido honesto con él. I have been honest with him.
Un hombre debe ser honesto. A man must be honest.
Creo que él es honesto. I think that he is honest.
Es tan amable como honesto. He is as kind as honest.
Creo que tú eres honesto. I believe you are honest.
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