Sentence examples of "la suya" in Spanish

Tom se salió con la suya. Tom got his way.
Creo que es hora de dejar de permitirle que se salga siempre con la suya. I think it's time for me to stop allowing her to always have her own way.
Compara tu traducción con la suya. Compare your translation with his.
Kate no es muy popular entre sus compañeros de clase porque ella siempre trata de salirse con la suya. Kate isn't popular among her classmates because she always tries to have her own way.
¿Ésta es tu bolsa o la suya? Is this your sack or his?
Esta es la camiseta de ella. Aquella camiseta también es suya. This is her T-shirt. That T-shirt is hers, too.
Él me salvó la vida arriesgándose la suya. He saved my life at the risk of his own.
Comparada con la suya, mi colección no es nada. As compared with his, my collection is nothing.
Mi casa parece pequeña al lado de la suya. My house seems small beside his.
Mi habitación es el doble de grande que la suya. My room is twice as big as his.
Como él no encajaba en ninguna religión preexistente, decidió fundar la suya propia. Since he did not fit within any preexisting religion, he decided to establish his own.
Tom es el tipo de persona que siempre tiene que salirse con la suya. Tom is the type of person who always has to have his own way.
En su discurso, él dijo cosas entre letras dirigidas a todas las religiones excepto la suya propia. In his speech he cast aspersions on all religions except his own.
No hay forma de convencerle, está obcecado en que la única manera de solucionar el problema es la suya. There's no way to convince him. He absolutely insists that the only way to solve the problem is his way.
No he conocido a nadie que haya disfrutado de una vida mejor que la suya, a pesar de que sus condiciones de vida eran terribles. I haven't seen anyone that enjoyed a better life than his, even though his living conditions were terrible.
Mi casa es como la suya. My house is like yours.
Mi opinión es similar a la suya. My opinion is similar to yours.
Mi esposa no es hermosa. La suya sí. My wife isn't beautiful. Yours is.
Nuestra escuela es más grande que la suya. Our school is larger than theirs.
Comparada a nuestra casa, la suya es un palacio. Compared to our house, yours is a palace.
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