Beispiele für die Verwendung von "ocurrido" im Spanischen

Yo ya olvidé lo ocurrido. I already forgot what happened.
¿Por qué ha ocurrido esto? Why has this happened?
Parece que ha ocurrido algo. It seems that something has happened.
Algo le ha ocurrido al motor. Something has happened to the engine.
Tom se siente responsable por lo ocurrido. Tom feels responsible for what happened.
Todos estaban impacientes por saber qué había ocurrido. Everybody was anxious to know what had happened.
Conté los días para ver cuando había ocurrido. I counted the days to see when it had happened.
Nadie sabía con certeza cómo había ocurrido el accidente. No one knew for certain how the accident happened.
Ve y ve por ti mismo que ha ocurrido. Go and see for yourself what has happened.
No puedo dar cuenta de lo que ha ocurrido. I cannot account for what has happened.
Si hubiera tenido cuidado, entonces el terrible accidente no hubiera ocurrido. If he had been careful then, the terrible accident would not have happened.
De repente, Jack se dio cuenta de lo que le había ocurrido. Suddenly, Jack realized what had happened to him.
De haber ocurrido en una ciudad, el accidente hubiera provocado un desastre. Happening in a city, the accident would have caused a disaster.
Tom no tuvo valor para decirle a Mary lo que le había ocurrido a su perro. Tom didn't have the heart to tell Mary what had happened to her dog.
Todo esto ocurre en milisegundos. All this happens within miliseconds.
Se me ocurrió una idea. An idea occurred to me.
¿En dónde ocurrió el accidente? Where did the accident take place?
Simplemente odio cuando eso ocurre. I just hate when that happens.
El accidento ocurrió de madrugada. The accident occurred at dawn.
¿En qué lugar ocurrió ese accidente? Where did the accident take place?
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