Sentence examples of "pintura rupestre" in Spanish

Él consiguió una pintura que Picasso había pintado en sus últimos años. He obtained a picture which Picasso had painted in his later years.
Sus ojos se quedaron fijos en la pintura en la pared. His eyes got stuck on the canvas on the wall.
¿Cómo obtuvo usted esta pintura? How did you obtain this painting?
Revolvé la pintura con un palo. Stir the paint with a stick.
Me entusiasma la pintura moderna. I have enthusiasm for modern paintings.
¿Cuántos años tiene esa pintura? How old is that painting?
Mira esta pintura. Look at this picture.
Esta pintura es atribuida a Monet. This painting is attributed to Monet.
Iré a Francia a estudiar pintura. I'll go to France to study painting.
Tiene buena mano para la pintura. She has a good hand for painting.
Revolvé la pintura antes de usarla. He stirred the paint before using it.
Si hubiera comprado la pintura entonces, ahora sería rico. If I had bought the painting then, I would be rich now.
No compres esta pintura; es una falsificación. Don't buy this painting; it's a fake.
Él tenía talento para la pintura. He had a talent for painting.
El marco mismo vale más que la pintura. The frame itself is worth more than the picture.
Tío Vasya me regaló una pintura. Uncle Vasya gave me a painting as a gift.
Pensé acerca del significado de su pintura. I thought about the meaning of his painting.
La pintura está en el Louvre, París. The painting is in the Louvre, Paris.
Tom dejó caer pintura en su camisa mientras pintaba la cerca. Tom got paint on his shirt while he was painting the fence.
Esta es una foto de mi pintura. This is a picture of my own painting.
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