Sentence examples of "tomé" in Spanish

Tomé una fotografía de ella. I took a picture of her.
Me tomé dos tazas de café. I had two cups of coffee.
Yo no tomé esa leche. I didn't drink that milk.
Tomé un perrito caliente para comer. I ate a hot dog for lunch.
Me tomé una semana libre. I took a week off.
¡Tomé veinte fotos borrosas para tener una casi correcta! I made twenty blurry shots to have one almost correct!
Esta mañana me tomé un vaso de leche. I drank a glass of milk this morning.
Tomé un taxi porque estaba lloviendo. I took a taxi because it was raining.
Me tomé una taza de café en la cafetería. I had a cup of coffee at the cafe.
Tomé algo de leche y el resto lo puse en la heladera. I drank some of the milk and kept the rest in the refrigerator.
No tomé parte en la conversación. I didn't take part in the conversation.
Me tomé un vaso de cerveza para apaciguar mi sed. I had a glass of beer to quench my thirst.
Esta mañana me tomé un doble expreso muy caliente en la cafetería. I drank a very hot double espresso at the coffee shop this morning.
Estaba lloviendo cuando tomé el autobús. It was raining when I took the bus.
La sopa que tomé estaba tan caliente que no me la pude comer. The soup I had was so hot I couldn't drink it.
Tomé una foto de mi familia. I took a picture of my family.
Tomé un taxi a la estación. I took a cab to the station.
Tomé mi temperatura cada seis horas. I took my temperature every six hours.
Esta mañana llovía cuando tomé el autobús. This morning it was raining when I took the bus.
El dolor desapareció porque me tomé las pastillas. The pain went away because I took the pills.
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