Sentence examples of "eu la chance" in French

J'ai eu la chance de trouver un bon boulot. I had the luck to find a good job.
Elle a eu la chance de réussir l'examen. She was fortunate to pass the exam.
Il a eu la chance de trouver un travail. He had the fortune to find a job.
Elle a eu la gentillesse de m'aider. She had the kindness to help me.
Il doit son succès à la fois à un travail acharné et à la chance. He owes his success both to working hard and to good luck.
J'ai eu la confirmation. I had the confirmation.
Même si tes phrases étaient effectivement vides de sens, au moins tu as la chance de savoir faire de belles phrases. Even if your sentences were actually senseless, you at least have the luck to be able to form beautiful sentences.
Il a eu la générosité de faire tout le chemin pour me voir. He had the goodness to come all the way to see me.
Vous avez de la chance car le patron est là. You're in luck because the boss is in.
J'ai eu la chair de poule en voyant le mille-pattes sur le mur. The sight of the centipede on the wall was enough to make my skin crawl.
Après cet automne, elle a de la chance d'être en vie. After that fall she's lucky to be alive.
Papa a eu la boisson gratis. Father got the drink for nothing.
Vous avez de la chance d'avoir des amis si sympas. You are fortunate for having such good friends.
Elle a eu la gentillesse de raccompagner la dame chez elle. She had the kindness to take the lady to her home.
Un démocrate auto-proclamé qui a la chance de vivre en démocratie, mais qui jure constamment après les politiciens sans s'engager lui-même en politique, n'a vraisemblablement pas compris le mot «Démocratie». A self-proclaimed democrat, who is lucky enough to live in a democratic country, but who constantly swears at politicians without committing himself to politics, has probably not understood the word "Democracy".
Elle a eu la gentillesse de m'emmener à l'hôpital. She was kind enough to take me to the hospital.
Si j'ai de la chance, j'arriverai à l'heure. If I'm lucky, I will arrive on time.
Il est allé à New York aussitôt qu'il a eu la lettre. He went to New York as soon as he got the letter.
J'ai la chance d'avoir des amis sincères. I'm lucky to have sincere friends.
Il y a eu la nuit dernière une explosion dans une usine de feux d'artifice. Last night an explosion took place at a fireworks factory.
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