Ejemplos del uso de "soon" en inglés

Traducciones: todos275 bald186 früh8 demnächst1 otras traducciones80
Come as soon as you can. Komme sobald du kannst.
As soon as a vacancy occurs Sobald etwas frei wird
Write to me as soon as you reach there. Schreibe mir, sobald du dort angekommen bist.
Write to me as soon as you get there. Schreib mir, sobald du da bist.
As soon as he comes back, let me know. Sag mir Bescheid, sobald er zurück ist.
As soon as they return, I will telephone you. Sobald sie zurück sind, rufe ich euch an.
Let's go as soon as it stops raining. Lasst uns gehen, sobald es aufhört zu regnen.
As soon as he returns, I will tell you. Sobald er zurückkehrt, sage ich es dir.
Please write to me as soon as you can. Bitte schreib mir sobald du kannst.
As soon as he went to bed, he fell asleep. Sobald er ins Bett ging, schlief er ein.
As soon as it gets dark, the fireworks will start. Sobald es dunkel wird, beginnt das Feuerwerk.
As soon as Jim got home, he crawled into bed. Sobald Jim nach Hause kam, kroch er ins Bett.
He left the room as soon as I entered it. Er verließ den Raum, sobald ich eintrat.
Call me as soon as you meet up with him. Ruf mich an, sobald du ihn getroffen hast.
As soon as man is born, he begins to die. Sobald ein Mensch geboren wird, beginnt er zu sterben.
Let me know the result as soon as you can. Lassen Sie mich das Ergebnis wissen, sobald Sie können.
As soon as she saw me, she began to weep. Sobald sie mich sah, fing sie zu weinen an.
As soon as the game started, it began to rain. Sobald das Spiel begann, fing es an zu regnen.
I went to sleep as soon as I got home. Ich bin eingeschlafen, sobald ich heimkam.
As soon as she saw me, she started to cry. Sobald sie mich sah, fing sie zu weinen an.
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