Sentence examples of "what do you do for a living" in English

What do you do for a living? Was machen Sie beruflich?
Tom drives a truck for a living. Tom ist LKW-Fahrer von Beruf.
Will this much food do for a week's camping? Ist das genug Essen für eine Woche Camping?
What do you do in the afternoon? Was machst du am Nachmittag?
What do you think of this sweater? Was hältst du vom Pulli?
She waits tables for a living. Sie verdient ihren Lebensunterhalt als Serviererin.
This story will do for a novel. Diese Geschichte taugt zu einem Roman.
What do you do after school? Was machst du nach der Schule?
Huh? Or maybe did how many of what do what how? What do you think? Hä? Oder vielleicht haben wie viele von was was wie getan? Was denkst du?
What do you do in your spare time? Was machst du in deiner Freizeit?
What do you think about eating out tonight? Was hältst du davon, heute Abend auswärts zu essen?
What do you do on Sundays? Was machst du sonntags?
What do you say to a game of chess? Was halten Sie von einer Partie Schach?
What do you do with all these goats? Was willst du mit all den Ziegen?
What do you call this vegetable in English? Wie nennst du dieses Gemüse auf Englisch?
What do you do on Sunday? Was hast du am Sonntag vor?
What do you think of it? Was denkst du darüber?
Mr Crouch, what do you do? Herr Crouch, was machen Sie?
What do you know about him? Was weißt du über ihn?
What do you do to stay in shape? Was machst du, um in Form zu bleiben?
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