Sentence examples of "less likely" in English

It's a lot less likely for a Macintosh computer to have a virus than a computer running Windows. Es mucho menos probable que un Macintosh tenga un virus que un computador con Windows.
Mr Young has no less than six cars. El Sr. Young no tiene menos de seis autos.
He is likely to come. Es probable que él venga.
The man has even less cake. El hombre tiene aún menos tarta.
The police didn't think it was likely that Tom had killed himself. La policía no pensaba que fuera probable que Tom se hubiera suicidado.
I'd love to be able to spend less time doing household chores. Me encantaría ser capaz de pasar menos tiempo haciendo las tareas del hogar.
In conversation, one is likely to find out certain things about the other person quite easily. En la conversación, es posible averiguar ciertas cosas acerca del otro con mucha facilidad.
The actor will play five characters in less than half an hour. El actor representará cinco personajes en menos de media hora.
If you do your best, you're likely to succeed. Si das lo mejor, seguro que vas a tener éxito.
He cannot speak English, much less German. Él no sabe hablar inglés, mucho menos alemán.
Tom thought that Mary was likely to get the job. Tom creyó que probablemente Mary conseguiría el trabajo.
Sleep is no less essential to one's health than food. El sueño no es menos necesario para la salud que la comida.
He is likely to win the scholarship. Es probable que consiga la beca.
The older we grow, the less we dream. Cuanto más envejecemos, soñamos menos.
Traffic accidents are likely to occur on rainy days. Accidentes de tráfico suelen ocurrir en días de lluvia.
He is less impatient than his father. Es menos impaciente que su padre.
It's likely that she'll succeed. Es probable que ella tenga éxito.
I have less than ten pesos. Yo tengo menos de diez pesos.
Today's weather forecast says that it is likely to be fine tomorrow. La predicción del tiempo de hoy dice que probablemente haga bueno mañana.
Tom can't take less. Tom no puede aceptar menos.
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