Sentence examples of "make angry" in English

Don't make me angry. No me hagas enojar.
Tom doesn't want to make Mary angry. Tom no quiere hacer enojar a Mary.
Tom doesn't know what he did to make Mary so angry. Tom no sabe qué hizo para hacer enojar tanto a Mary.
I have made him angry. Lo he hecho enojar.
He often makes people angry. Él hace enojar a la gente a menudo.
You don't want to make me angry. No quieres hacerme enfadar.
I never want to make you angry. Nunca quisiera hacerte enojar.
He said nothing that would make her angry. Él no decía nada que pudiera hacerla enfadar.
She said nothing that would make him angry. Ella no dijo nada que le hiciera enfadar.
I was careful not to say anything to make him angry. Tuve cuidado de no decir nada que le enfadara.
Try not to make him angry. Tratá de no ponerlo nervioso.
You must be careful not to make him angry. Debes ser cuidadoso de no hacerlo enfadar.
Tom didn't mean to make Mary angry. Tom no pretendía hacer enfadar a Mary.
From time to time, a proposal to pull down a much-loved old building to make room for a new block of flats, raises a storm of angry protest. De vez en vez, la propuesta de demoler un bien amado y viejo edificio para hacer lugar para un nuevo edificio de departamentos da lugar a un remolino de furiosas protestas.
He was so angry he couldn't speak. Estaba tan enfadado que no podía hablar.
Did you make it by yourself? ¿Lo has hecho tú solo?
I thought she was angry at me because I didn't pay the bill in time. Pensé que ella estaba enojada conmigo por no pagar la cuenta a tiempo.
The French like to make fun of Belgians. A los franceses les gusta burlarse de los belgas.
My father is very angry with me. Mi padre está muy enojado conmigo.
I'm not always right, I just always correct you when you make mistakes. No siempre tengo razón, es solo que siempre te corrijo cuando cometes errores.
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