Sentence examples of "makes up" in English

Tom makes up stories all the time. Tom inventa historias todo el tiempo.
Her genius makes up for her lack of experience. Su ingenio compensa su falta de experiencia.
She makes up in public. Ella se maquilla en público.
Nobody believed Kevin because he always makes up stories. Nadie creyó a Kevin porque él siempre se inventa las historias.
What she lacks in charisma she makes up for with hard work. Lo que le falta en carisma, ella lo compensa con trabajo duro.
She makes herself up every morning. Ella se maquilla todas las mañanas.
I've made up my mind. Me he decidido.
He made up that story. Él inventó esa historia.
They made up and became friends again. Hicieron las paces y volvieron a ser amigos.
Lost time must be made up for. El tiempo perdido debe ser compensado.
The actor is making up. El actor se está maquillando.
The room hasn't been made up. La habitación no está arreglada.
He made up his mind quickly. Él se decidió rápidamente.
I think she made up that story. Creo que ella inventó esa historia.
This stool is made up of leather and wood. Este taburete es hecho en cuero y madera.
It is difficult to make up for wasted time. Es difícil compensar el tiempo perdido.
Their job is to make up artists. Su trabajo es maquillar artistas.
My room has not been made up Mi cuarto no se ha arreglado
I have made up my mind now. Ahora me he decidido.
He made up a story about the dog. Él se inventó una historia acerca del perro.
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