Sentence examples of "pleases" in English

Tom is hard to please. Tom es difícil de complacer.
I am pretty pleased with you. Estoy muy satisfecho contigo.
He will be really pleased. Él va a alegrarse de verdad.
I'd like to book a room please Quisiera reservar un cuarto
That will please my father. Eso agradará a mi padre.
John is easy to please. John es fácil de complacer.
My grandfather is very hard to please. Es muy difícil satisfacer a mi abuelo.
I'm very pleased to meet you. Me alegro enormemente de verle.
We have the right to live where we please. Tenemos el derecho de vivir donde queramos.
As my teacher says, you cannot please both Greeks and Trojans. Como dice mi profesora, no se puede agradar a griegos y troyanos.
Our boss is hard to please. Nuestro jefe es difícil de complacer.
I am very pleased with my job. Estoy muy satisfecho con mi trabajo.
They were pleased at the birth of their first child. Ellos se alegraron por el nacimiento de su primer hijo.
You are free to do as you please with your money. Sois libres de hacer lo que queráis con vuestro dinero.
We are pleased to invite them Nos complace invitarlos
Are you pleased with your new job? ¿Estás satisfecho con tu nuevo trabajo?
I was pleased to hear that he had succeeded in the examination. Me alegré al enterarme de que él aprobó el examen.
I am quite pleased with you. Estoy bastante complacido contigo.
I am very pleased to hear the news. Yo estoy muy satisfecho de oír las noticias.
I said that to please my mother. Dije eso para complacer a mi madre.
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