Ejemplos del uso de "frighten out of his wits" en inglés

With his crew stranded at sea, Christopher Columbus was able to save them from starvation by pulling 100 rabbits out of his hat. Lorsque lui et son équipage furent perdus en mer, Christophe Colomb sauva tout le monde de la faim en tirant cent lapins de son chapeau.
John took a key out of his pocket. John sortit une clé de sa poche.
He went out of his way to make sure that we had everything we needed. Il se mit en quatre pour s'assurer que nous disposions de tout ce dont nous avions besoin.
He moved out of his parents' place. Il a déménagé de chez ses parents.
To behave like that, he must be out of his mind. Pour se comporter ainsi, il doit être hors de lui.
The slippery snake slithered right out of his hand. Le serpent glissant s'échappa de ses mains.
At Christmas he went out of his way to buy me a really nice model plane. À Noël il a fait des pieds et des mains pour m'acheter une maquette d'avion réellement jolie.
He has run out of his energy. Il s'est vidé de son énergie.
He has come out of his shell. Il est sorti de sa coquille.
I think Tom is hurt. Blood is coming out of his head! Je crois que Tom est blessé. Du sang s'échappe de sa tête !
A boy having sold a cow at the fair at Hereford, was way-laid by a highwayman, who at a convenient place demanded the money; on this the boy took to his heels and ran away but being overtaken by the highwayman, who dismounted, he pulled the money out of his pocket and strewed it about, and while the highwayman was picking it up, the boy jumped upon the horse and rode home. Un garçon qui avait vendu une vache à la foire de Hereford, fut pris en embuscade par un routier, qui, à un endroit approprié, exigea l'argent ; sur ce, le garçon prit ses jambes à son cou et s'enfuit mais, étant rattrapé par le routier, qui descendit de cheval, il sortit l'argent de sa poche et l'éparpilla autour, et tandis que le routier le ramassait, le garçon sauta sur le cheval et galopa jusqu'à chez lui.
He has unsightly hairs growing out of his ears. Il a des poils disgracieux qui poussent hors de ses oreilles.
Hearing the news, he jumped out of his chair. En entendant les nouvelles, il bondit hors de son fauteuil.
He took a coin out of his pocket. Il sortit une pièce de sa poche.
Such a person will often go a block out of his way to avoid meeting a person of the opposite sex. Une telle personne fera souvent un effort particulier pour éviter de rencontrer une personne du sexe opposé.
A coin dropped out of his pocket. Une pièce est tombée de sa poche.
Silvio Berlusconi is the chief of his party. Silvio Berlusconi est le chef de son parti.
By chance we saw him as he came out of the shop. Par chance, on l'a vu en train de sortir du magasin.
Part of his story is true. Une partie de son histoire est vraie.
I cut the article out of the magazine. J'ai découpé l'article de ce magazine.
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