Ejemplos del uso de "Were" en inglés con traducción "haver"

There were flowers all around. Havia flores por todas as partes.
How many victims were there? Quantas vítimas houve?
There were various kinds of sweets. Havia vários tipos de doces.
There were two pieces of cake. Havia dois pedaços de bolo.
There were too many people there. Havia muitas pessoas lá.
There were many children in the room. Havia muitas crianças no quarto.
There were nice pictures on that wall. Havia belas telas naquela parede.
There were few children in the room. Havia poucas crianças no quarto.
There were four chairs by the table. Havia quatro cadeiras perto da mesa.
There were no radios in those times. Não havia rádio naquela época.
There were some boats on the lake. Havia alguns barcos no lago.
There were penguin footprints in the sand. Havia pegadas de pinguins na areia.
There were books lying about the room. Havia livros espalhados pelo quarto.
I wish there were more people like you. Eu gostaria que houvesse mais pessoas como você.
There were many rotten apples in the basket. Havia muitas maçãs podres na cesta.
There were two famous artists at the hotel. Havia duas artistas famosas no hotel.
There were many delicious snacks at the party. Na festa havia muitos salgadinhos gostosos.
There were a few children in the room. Havia algumas crianças no quarto.
There were no radios in Japan in those days. Não havia rádio no Japão naqueles dias.
There were four pieces of furniture in the room. Havia quatro móveis no quarto.
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