Sentence examples of "aconselhou" in Portuguese

Ele a aconselhou a parar de beber. He advised her to stop drinking.
Ela o aconselhou a não comer muito. She advised him not to eat too much.
O médico aconselhou que ele trabalhasse menos. The doctor advised him to work less.
Ela não o aconselhou a fazê-lo. She didn't advise him to do it.
O médico o aconselhou a diminuir a bebida. The doctor advised him to cut down on drinking.
O médico me aconselhou a não comer demais. The doctor advised me not to eat too much.
Ela o aconselhou a não usar tanto açúcar. She advised him not to use too much sugar.
O médico me aconselhou a beber mais leite. The doctor advised me to drink more milk.
Meu médico aconselhou que eu parasse de tomar esse remédio. My doctor has advised me to stop taking this medicine.
O pai de Charlie o aconselhou a se tornar um professor. Charlie's father advised him to become a teacher.
Tom aconselhou Mary a não pegar muito dinheiro emprestado de John. Tom advised Mary not to borrow too much money from John.
Ele aconselhou a ela que fosse para o exterior enquanto ainda era jovem. She was advised by him to go abroad while she was still young.
Eu te aconselho a parar de fumar. I advise you to stop smoking.
É mais fácil aconselhar que praticar There is none so simple but can give counsel
Eu te aconselho a ir a um médico dar uma olhada nisso assim que puder. I suggest that you go and see a doctor about this as soon as you can.
Ela foi aconselhada por ele a perder peso. She was advised by him to lose weight.
O Dalai Lama aconselha a prática da compaixão. The Dalai Lama counsels the practice of compassion.
Ela foi aconselhada por ele a parar de fumar. She was advised by him to stop smoking.
Quem não quer ser aconselhado não quer ser ajudado He that will not be counselled, cannot be helped
Ela foi aconselhada por ele a trabalhar mais duro. She was advised by him to work harder.
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