Sentence examples of "His" in English with translation "son"

His car was seriously damaged. Sa voiture était sérieusement endommagée.
He dotes on his grandson. Il adore son petit-fils.
I agree with his opinion. Je suis d'accord avec son opinion
Drink brought about his downfall. La boisson l'a conduit à sa perte.
He had his wallet stolen. Son portefeuille était volé.
His room's a mess. Sa chambre est un bordel.
His illness may be cancer. Sa maladie pourrait être un cancer.
Do you know his father? Connais-tu son père ?
He arse licks his boss Il lèche le cul de son patron.
Tom is calling his mother. Tom appelle sa mère.
It was his own fault. C'était de sa propre faute.
Georgia is his native state. La Géorgie est son pays natal.
He got his watch fixed. Il a fait réparer sa montre.
His house is for sale. Sa maison est en vente.
She leaned on his shoulder. Elle se pencha sur son épaule.
His concert was very good. Son concert était très bon.
That cost him his job. Cela lui coûta son poste.
It's in his blood C'est dans son sang
No one believed his story. Personne ne crut son histoire.
Father is in his office. Le père est dans son bureau.
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