Sentence examples of "Miss" in English with translation "louper"

The house is across from the church, so you shouldn't miss it. La maison se trouve en face de l'église, donc tu ne devrais pas la louper.
We've missed the boat. Nous avons loupé le coche.
You've missed the boat. T'as loupé le coche.
She's missed the boat. Elle a loupé le coche.
He's missed the boat. Il a loupé le coche.
I've missed another chance. J'ai loupé une autre chance.
They've missed the boat. Ils ont loupé le coche.
I arrived too late and missed the train. Je suis arrivé trop tard et ai loupé le train.
I missed seeing that movie. Did you see it? J'ai loupé ce film. L'as-tu vu ?
If you're missing the forest for the trees then you're failing to see the big picture. Si l'arbre t'empêche de voir la forêt, alors tu loupes l'essentiel.
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