Sentence examples of "believe on his bare word" in English

A bare word of criticism makes her nervous. Le moindre mot de critique la rend nerveuse.
She gave him a sweater on his birthday. Elle lui offrit un chandail pour son anniversaire.
The teacher wore a harsh expression on his face. Le professeur avait un air sévère.
On his arrival in London, he sent me a telegram. À son arrivée à Londres, il m'a envoyé un télégramme.
He dotes on his grandson. Il adore son petit-fils.
It's hard for him to live on his small pension. Il lui est difficile de vivre de sa maigre pension.
He went to France to brush up on his speaking ability. Il est allé en France pour rafraîchir son français parlé.
He is still on his back. Il est toujours alité.
He prides himself on his son. Il est fier de son fils.
Alain focused all his attention on his cat. Alain a concentré toutes ses attentions sur sa chatte.
A cold wind was blowing on his face. Un vent glacial lui soufflait sur le visage.
Sasha had a huge bump on his head. Sacha avait une énorme bosse sur la tête.
I buy my silver from a man who has a mine on his property. J'achète l'argent à un homme qui possède une mine.
She leaned on his shoulder. Elle se pencha sur son épaule.
Tom got a grip on his emotions. Tom a repris le contrôle de ses émotions.
Poverty had taught him to stand on his own feet. La misère lui a appris à se débrouiller seul.
Model your manners on his. Prends exemple sur lui.
His new novel is based on his own experiences. Son nouveau roman est basé sur ses expériences personnelles.
Tom cheated on his girlfriend for months. Tom a trompé sa petite amie durant des mois.
The story is based on his own experience. L'histoire est basée sur sa propre expérience.
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