Sentence examples of "deprive of his reason" in English

He lost his reason when he saw his house burn down. Il perdit la raison quand il vit sa maison détruite par le feu.
Silvio Berlusconi is the chief of his party. Silvio Berlusconi est le chef de son parti.
Making money is his reason for living. Faire de l'argent est le but de son existence.
Part of his story is true. Une partie de son histoire est vraie.
His reason for not going is still unclear. Sa raison de ne pas y aller est encore obscure.
The soldier saved his friend at the cost of his own life. Le soldat a sauvé son ami au prix de sa vie.
He lived abroad for much of his life. Il a vécu à l'étranger la majeure partie de sa vie.
I was surprised at the news of his sudden death. J'ai été surpris par la nouvelle de son décès soudain.
The crux of his argument can be found on p. 56. Le point crucial de son argumentation se trouve à la page cinquante-six.
The gentleman best knows himself the value of his own life. Le monsieur sait mieux lui-même la valeur de sa propre vie.
Make him feel ashamed of his laziness. Faites-lui honte de sa paresse.
He hasn't got over the death of his wife yet. Il ne s'est pas encore remis de la mort de sa femme.
Father is proud of his car. Papa est fier de sa voiture.
Tom screamed at the top of his lungs. Tom a crié aussi fort que possible.
He wants to get rid of his books. Il veut se débarrasser de ses livres.
I do not think he will ever get over the loss of his wife. Je ne pense pas qu'il se remettra jamais de la perte de sa femme.
I am sure of his victory. Je suis sûr de sa victoire.
He makes good use of his talents. Il fait bon usage de ses talents.
He who does not know any foreign language knows nothing of his own language. Qui ne connaît pas de langues étrangères ne sait rien de la sienne.
He took the job for the sake of his career but he didn't like it. Il a accepté le travail pour sa carrière mais il ne l'a pas aimé.
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