Sentence examples of "during the day" in English

A bat hunts food and eats at night, but sleeps during the day. Une chauve-souris chasse et mange la nuit, mais dort la journée.
His aunt takes care of his dog during the day. Sa tante s'occupe de son chien pendant la journée.
They work only during the day. Ils ne travaillent que la journée.
Grandmother looks after the children during the day. Grand-mère s'occupe des enfants pendant la journée.
He sleeps during the day and works at night. Il dort le jour et travaille la nuit.
A friend of mine came to see me during the day. Un de mes amis vint me voir pendant la journée.
Cockroaches hide themselves during the day. Les cafards se cachent pendant la journée.
The sun shines during the day; the moon during the night. Le soleil brille durant le jour, la Lune durant la nuit.
I am your father's spirit, doomed for a certain time to walk the night, and during the day I am confined to burn in fires, until the evil crimes I had done in my life are burnt and purged away. Je suis l'esprit de ton père, condamné, pour un certain temps, à marcher la nuit, et, durant le jour, confiné à brûler dans les feux, jusqu'à ce que les méchants crimes que j'ai commis au cours de ma vie soient brûlés et épurés.
The day is getting longer and longer. Le jour s'allonge de plus en plus.
During the final against Italy, Zidane received a red card for head-butting Materazzi. En finale contre l'Italie, Zidane a été expulsé par un carton rouge après un coup de tête contre Materazzi.
It has been raining on and off since the day before yesterday. Il a plu par intermittences depuis avant-hier.
During the stalinist era, prisoners at concentration camps became slaves in service of the state. Pendant l'époque stalinienne, les prisonniers des camps de concentration devenaient esclaves au service de l'État.
I am going to stay here till the day after tomorrow. Je vais rester ici jusqu'à après-demain.
The electricity failed during the storm. Le courant s'est coupé durant la tempête.
The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative the day after the revolution. Le révolutionnaire le plus radical deviendra un conservateur le lendemain de la révolution
The roads were very muddy since it had rained during the night. Les routes étaient recouvertes de boue du fait qu'il avait plu durant la nuit.
I arrived at Narita the day before yesterday. Je suis arrivée à Narita avant-hier.
During the rush hours in Tokyo, traffic is heavy. Pendant l'heure de pointe, la circulation à Tokyo est dense.
The accident took place the day before yesterday. L'accident s'est produit avant-hier.
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