Sentence examples of "front sight aperture" in English

I can't stand being laughed at in front of others. Je ne supporte pas qu'on se moque de moi devant les autres.
I got into that state of mind when a man listens and listens and begins to long for the sight of a policeman. Je suis entré dans cet état d'esprit où un homme écoute et écoute et commence à ardemment désirer apercevoir un agent de police.
The car is parked in front of the building. La voiture est garée devant le bâtiment.
Sister, don't let this patient out of your sight. Ma sœur, ne quittez pas ce patient des yeux.
He parked his car in front of the building. Il gara sa voiture devant le bâtiment.
I have weak sight. Je vois mal.
They are waiting for you in front of the door. Ils t'attendent devant la porte.
Lake Biwa came in sight. Le lac Biwa apparut.
He stood agape for a moment in front of the painting, surprised at its realism. Il est resté la bouche bée quelques instants devant le tableau, surpris par le réalisme de celui-ci.
You'll have to pay a damn sight more than that for it. Tu vas devoir payer drôlement plus que ça pour l'avoir.
There is a bench in front of the train station. Il y a un banc devant la gare.
He lost his breath at the sight. La vue lui coupa le souffle.
All quiet on the Western Front. Tout est calme sur le front ouest.
He was frightened at the sight. Il fut effrayé de voir un tel spectacle.
He did it in front of the staff. Il le fit devant le personnel.
The sight of the ruins brought home to him the meaning of war. La vue des ruines lui rappela le sens de la guerre.
He stood in front of me. Il se plantait devant moi.
The accident deprived him of his sight. L'accident le priva de la vue.
He made a speech in front of many people. Il a fait un discours devant beaucoup de personnes.
He ran at the sight of the policeman. Il s'enfuit dès qu'il vit le policier.
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