Sentence examples of "give his fairing" in English

For all his cleverness, he is always reluctant to give his views. Malgré son intelligence, il est toujours réticent à donner son point de vue.
He said he would give us his decision for sure by Friday. Il a dit qu'il nous ferait connaître sa décision vendredi sans faute.
What did you give Mike on his birthday? Qu'est-ce que tu as offert à Mike pour son anniversaire ?
Give the devil his due. Donne au diable ce qui lui revient.
She tells him to give her all of his salary and he does. Elle lui dit de lui donner tout son salaire et il le fait.
He was so kind as to give the old man his seat. Il fut assez bon pour céder son siège au vieil homme.
He balked at the suggestion that he give ten percent of his income to charity. Il regimba à la suggestion qu'il donne dix pour-cent de son revenu aux œuvres de charité.
I would like to give him a present for his birthday. Je voudrais lui offrir un cadeau pour son anniversaire.
His doctor advised him to give up smoking. Son médecin lui conseilla d'arrêter de fumer.
Give me something to eat. Donne-moi quelque chose à manger.
He is taller than any other boy in his class. Il est plus grand que tout autre garçon de sa classe.
If you buy me an ice-cream, I'll give you a kiss. Si tu me paies une glace, je te donnerai un baiser.
She gave him a sweater on his birthday. Elle lui offrit un chandail pour son anniversaire.
That cake looks good too. Give me a small piece. Ce gâteau a l'air également bon. Donne-m'en un petit morceau.
The anarchist is apt to lose his temper. L'anarchiste a tendance à perdre son sang-froid.
Give to every day the chance to be the most beautiful in your life. Donne à chaque jour la chance d'être le plus beau de ta vie.
His bread is buttered on both sides. Son pain est beurré des deux côtés.
Give me another chance. Donnez-moi une autre chance.
His bravery to save the child from drowning is above praise. Sa bravoure pour sauver l'enfant de la noyade est au-delà des éloges.
It is kind of you to give me a ride. C'est gentil à vous de me déposer.
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