Sentence examples of "handsome" in English with translation "beau"

He is tall and handsome. Il est à la fois grand et beau.
He is a handsome man. C'est un bel homme.
He is handsome and clever. Il est beau et intelligent.
Being handsome also has its downside. Être beau a aussi son revers.
He is clever, and moreover, he is handsome. Il est intelligent, et de plus, il est beau.
He is a gentleman, handsome, clever, and rich. C'est un honnête homme, beau, intelligent et riche.
He is young and, what is more, handsome. Il est jeune et, qui plus est, beau.
If only I were as handsome as he is. Si seulement j'étais aussi beau que lui.
Tom is the most handsome actor in the world. Tom est le plus bel acteur du monde.
My father is proud of me being tall and handsome. Mon père est fier du fait que je sois grand et beau.
"Wow, your brother is really handsome!" "And what am I, chopped liver?" «Eh bien, ton frère est vraiment beau !» «Et moi, je suis un cageot ?»
He was a very handsome boy, he had the face of an angel. Il était un garçon très beau, il avait un visage d'ange.
Felicja's children think that their father Lazarz is more handsome than Justin Bieber. Les enfants de Felicja pensent que leur père Łazarz est plus beau que Justin Bieber.
Certainly he is handsome and intelligent, but there is something about him that I can't like. Il est certainement beau et intelligent mais il y a quelque chose en lui que je n'arrive pas à aimer.
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