Sentence examples of "harder" in English with translation "dur"

He worked harder than ever. Il a travaillé plus dur que jamais.
Iron is harder than gold. Le fer est plus dur que l'or.
Study harder from now on. Étudie plus dur dorénavant.
He decided to study harder. Il décida d'étudier plus dur.
She advised him to work harder. Elle lui conseilla de travailler plus dur.
It was harder than I thought. Ce fut plus dur que je ne le pensais.
She prodded him to work harder. Elle l'incita à travailler plus dur.
I will have to study harder. Je devrais travailler plus dur.
Despite my warnings, he works no harder. Malgré mes avertissements, il ne travaille pas plus dur.
I want to make you work harder. Je veux te faire travailler plus dur.
Life is hard, but I am harder. La vie est dure, mais je suis encore plus dur.
I'll study harder in the future. Dorénavant je travaillerai plus dur.
You will have to study harder next year. Tu devras travailler plus dur l'année prochaine.
Is it harder to forgive or to forget? Est-il plus dur de pardonner ou d'oublier ?
The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Plus dure sera la chute.
The bigger they come, the harder they fall. Plus dure sera la chute.
Had he worked harder, he could have succeeded. S'il avait travaillé plus dur, il aurait pu réussir.
I regret that I did not work harder. Je regrette de ne pas avoir travaillé plus dur.
The higher you fly, the harder you fall. Plus dure sera la chute.
All you have to do is study harder. Tout ce que tu as à faire est de travailler plus dur.
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