Sentence examples of "his or her" in English

Every boss has his or her favorite employee. Chaque patron a son employé ou employée préféré.
Each of these students has his or her own opinion. Chacun de ces étudiants a sa propre opinion.
Every student was asked his or her name and birthplace. On a demandé à chaque étudiant son nom et son lieu de naissance.
A child who is a native speaker usually knows many things about his or her language that a non-native speaker who has been studying for years still does not know and perhaps will never know. Un enfant qui est un locuteur natif connaît habituellement de nombreuses choses sur son langage qu'un locuteur non-natif qui a étudié pendant des années ignore encore et peut-être ne saura jamais.
It is hard to love someone when you do not know whether he or she loves you as much as you love him or her. Il est dur d'aimer quelqu'un quand vous ne savez pas s'il vous aime autant que vous l'aimez.
In Singapore, one way to punish a criminal is to whip him or her. À Singapour, la flagellation est une façon de punir un criminel.
Tim's wife insisted on his taking her to Paris. La femme de Tim a beaucoup insisté auprès de lui pour qu'il l'emmène à Paris.
He can't take his eyes off her. Il ne peut pas la quitter des yeux.
His love for her went unrequited. Son amour pour elle ne fut pas réciproque.
He is too shy to bare his heart to her. Il est trop timide pour lui ouvrir son cœur.
His smile put her at ease. Son sourire la mit à l'aise.
He suddenly tightened his arm around her. Il serra soudainement ses bras autour d'elle.
His story moved her to tears. Son histoire l'a émue aux larmes.
He did his best to help her. Il a fait de son mieux pour l'aider.
He risked his life to save her. Il l'a sauvée au risque de sa vie.
He made up his mind to marry her. Il s'est fait à l'idée de l'épouser.
He spends all his time extolling her virtues. Il passe son temps à chanter ses louanges.
He did his best to rescue her. Il a fait de son mieux pour la sauver.
He put his hand gently on her shoulder. Il a posé tendrement sa main sur son épaule.
On his return he found her daughter asleep. À son retour il trouva sa fille endormie.
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