Sentence examples of "in front of" in English

He stood in front of me. Il se plantait devant moi.
The garden is in front of the house. Le jardin est en face de la maison.
Bend your knees and look in front of you. Pliez les genoux, et regardez en avant.
He sat in front of me. Il s'est assis devant moi.
There is a bank in front of the station. Il y a une banque en face de la gare.
Life lies in front of you. La vie s'étend devant toi.
She spends her evenings in front of her laptop. Elle passe ses soirées en face de son ordinateur portable.
He walked in front of me. Il marchait devant moi.
He spends his evenings in front of his laptop. Il passe ses soirées en face de son ordinateur portable.
He is in front of the door. Il est devant la porte.
This shop is just in front of the theatre. Ce magasin est juste en face du théâtre.
I slept in front of the TV. J'ai dormi devant la télé.
In front of the university there are some bookstores. En face de l'université, il y a quelques librairies.
He was walking in front of me. Il marchait devant moi.
What is that big building in front of us? Quel est ce gros bâtiment en face de nous ?
He did it in front of the staff. Il le fit devant le personnel.
The shop is just in front of the station. Le magasin se situe exactement en face de la gare.
They did it in front of the staff. Ils le firent devant le personnel.
There is a large parking lot in front of the station. Il y a un grand parking en face de la gare.
The truck cut in front of my car. Le poids lourd traversa devant ma voiture.
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