Sentence examples of "in his own time" in English

He worked at the cost of his own time. Il travailla au prix de son propre temps.
No one should be a judge in his own cause. Personne ne doit être juge de sa propre cause.
God created man in his own image, God is a warrior. Dieu créa l'homme à son image, Dieu est un guerrier.
No man is a prophet in his own land. Nul n'est prophète en son pays.
The typical middle-class American baby comes home from the hospital to sleep in his own bed in his own room. Le bébé américain de la classe moyenne arrive de l'hôpital pour dormir dans son lit dans sa chambre.
God created man in his own image. Dieu créa l'homme à son image.
Every man is master in his own house. Chacun est maître chez soi.
It is true that Aristotle distinguishes the tyrant from the king by the fact that the former governs in his own interest, and the latter only for the good of his subjects; but it would follow from Aristotle's distinction that, from the very beginning of the world, there has not yet been a single king. Il est vrai qu'Aristote distingue le tyran du roi, en ce que le premier gouverne pour sa propre utilité et le second seulement pour l'utilité de ses sujets ; mais il s'ensuivrait de la distinction d'Aristote que depuis le commencement du monde il n'aurait pas encore existé un seul roi.
He acted in his own interest. Il agit pour son propre intérêt.
No man is a prophet in his own country Nul n'est prophète en son pays
The soldier saved his friend at the cost of his own life. Le soldat a sauvé son ami au prix de sa vie.
He is taller than any other boy in his class. Il est plus grand que tout autre garçon de sa classe.
On the arrow that hits him, the bird sees his own feathers. Sur la flèche qui l'atteint l'oiseau reconnaît ses plumes.
He failed in his attempt to swim across the river. Il a échoué dans sa tentative de traverser la rivière à la nage.
It is three years since Bob started his own business. Ça fait trois ans que Bob a démarré son affaire.
My father is in his room. Mon père est dans sa chambre.
The gentleman best knows himself the value of his own life. Le monsieur sait mieux lui-même la valeur de sa propre vie.
Tom was found dead in his room. On a trouvé Tom mort dans sa chambre.
The man couldn't so much as write his own name. Le type ne pouvait même pas écrire son propre nom.
My bora-fake-account-detector-3000-next-gen-deluxe-edition™ has recognized no "bora"-like pattern in his behaviour. Mon détecteur de faux compte version 3000 nouvelle génération, édition de luxe™ n'a reconnu aucun motif « à la bora » dans son comportement.
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