Sentence examples of "just as" in English

A caged cricket eats just as much as a free cricket. Le grillon en cage dévore autant que le grillon en liberté.
It was just as I thought. C’était bien ce que je pensais.
He came just as I was leaving. Il est venu juste quand je partais.
I love you just as you are. Je t'aime juste comme tu es.
The events unfolded just as she predicted. Les événements se déroulèrent exactement tel qu'elle le prédit.
She's just as cute as the dickens! Elle est belle comme le diable !
Just as a thorn stuck in one's throat. Juste comme une épine plantée dans la gorge.
It started raining just as I was leaving home. Il s'est mit à pleuvoir juste quand je suis parti de chez moi.
He has just as many books as his father does. Il a autant de livres que son père.
Why can't you take things just as they are? Pourquoi ne peux-tu pas accepter les choses juste comme elles sont ?
Just as you treat me, so I will treat you. Je vous traiterai exactement comme vous me traiterez.
Just as food feeds the body, so reading feeds the mind. Comme la nourriture nourrit le corps, la lecture nourrit l'esprit.
Just as he was going out, there was a great earthquake. Au moment où il sortait, il y eut un grand tremblement de terre.
Just as I went to go out, it began to rain. Juste comme je sortais ça commençait à pleuvoir.
Your telegram arrived just as I was about to telephone you. Ta dépêche est arrivée juste alors que j'étais sur le point de te téléphoner.
Just as if that was proof that that English was correct. Comme si cela prouvait que c'était de l'anglais correct.
I was dialing his number just as he walked through the door. Je composai son numéro lorsqu'il franchit la porte.
He went to the store just as it was going to close. Il se rendit au magasin juste alors que celui-ci était sur le point de fermer.
Just as if it were my tail, wherever I go, it goes too. Juste comme s’il s’agissait de ma queue, où que j’aille, il ira.
Just as there are few fat "old maids," there are few fat bachelors. De la même manière qu'il y a peu de grosses vieilles filles, il y a peu de gros jeunes hommes célibataires.
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