Sentence examples of "manners" in English

His aristocratic manners amaze me. Ses manières aristocratiques m'émerveillent.
She has very good manners. Elle a d'excellentes manières.
My mother is strict about manners. Ma mère est stricte sur les bonnes manières.
He is careful about his manners. Il fait attention à ses manières.
She was taken in by his manners. Elle fut abusée par ses manières.
I was embarrassed by his bad manners. Je fus gêné par ses mauvaises manières.
She should model her manners on her sister. Elle devrait calquer ses manières sur celles de sa soeur
His manners are not those of a gentleman. Il n'a pas les manières d'un gentleman.
His manners aren't those of a gentleman. Ses manières ne sont pas celles d'un gentleman.
I cannot put up with his bad manners any longer. Je ne peux plus du tout supporter ses mauvaises manières.
I was taken in by his good looks and gracious manners. J'ai été abusé par sa bonne apparence et ses manières élégantes.
He was a tall, heavy-looking young man of five-and-twenty. His air was grave and stately, and his manners were very formal. C’était un grand garçon un peu lourd de 25 ans, à l’air grave et compassé et aux manières cérémonieuses.
His manner partakes of insolence. Ses manières relèvent de l'insolence.
The accident happened in this manner. L'accident s'est passé de cette façon.
She is extremely natural in her manner. Elle a des manières très naturelles.
I don't like his rude manner. Je n'aime pas sa façon grossière.
A polite manner is characteristic of Japanese people. Les manières polies sont caractéristiques des Japonais.
Kim is dressed in a very attractive manner. Kim est habillée de façon très attrayante.
Her manner of speaking gets on my nerves. Sa manière de parler me tape sur les nerfs.
We treated him in the politest manner possible. Nous l'avons traité de la façon la plus polie possible.
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