Sentence examples of "on his own" in English

Bob has to get through this ordeal on his own. Bob doit surmonter cette épreuve tout seul.
Do you think he did the job on his own? Penses-tu qu'il ait fait ce travail tout seul ?
He is now on his own. Il est désormais à son compte.
He's acting on his own. Il agit de son propre chef.
She let him drive on his own. Elle lui a permis de conduire seul.
He is acting on his own behalf. Il agit en son nom propre.
He did the work on his own. Il a fait le travail lui-même.
The story is based on his own experience. L'histoire est basée sur sa propre expérience.
His new novel is based on his own experiences. Son nouveau roman est basé sur ses expériences personnelles.
Poverty had taught him to stand on his own feet. La misère lui a appris à se débrouiller seul.
John turned his back on the company and started on his own. John est parti de cette entreprise et a fondé la sienne.
This is not to say that Mr. Tanaka did it all on his own. Cela va sans dire que M. Tanaka a tout fait par lui-même.
The soldier saved his friend at the cost of his own life. Le soldat a sauvé son ami au prix de sa vie.
She gave him a sweater on his birthday. Elle lui offrit un chandail pour son anniversaire.
On the arrow that hits him, the bird sees his own feathers. Sur la flèche qui l'atteint l'oiseau reconnaît ses plumes.
The teacher wore a harsh expression on his face. Le professeur avait un air sévère.
It is three years since Bob started his own business. Ça fait trois ans que Bob a démarré son affaire.
On his arrival in London, he sent me a telegram. À son arrivée à Londres, il m'a envoyé un télégramme.
The gentleman best knows himself the value of his own life. Le monsieur sait mieux lui-même la valeur de sa propre vie.
He dotes on his grandson. Il adore son petit-fils.
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