Sentence examples of "played hooky" in English

Every school kid has played hooky at one time or another. Tout écolier a fait l'école buissonnière à un moment ou un autre.
John played guitar and his friends sang. John jouait de la guitare et ses amis chantaient.
Even though we lost the game, I have to say that we played the better football. Même si nous avons perdu la partie, je dois dire que nous avons joué le meilleur football.
We played on the beach. Nous jouâmes sur la plage.
She played a sonata. Elle a joué une sonate.
Have you ever played Angry Birds? As-tu déjà joué à Angry Birds ?
He played an important role on the committee. Il jouait un rôle important au comité.
Dick played the piano and Lucy sang. Dick jouait du piano et Lucy chantait.
You played tennis yesterday. Tu as joué au tennis hier.
We played soccer yesterday. Nous avons joué au foot hier.
He played tennis all day long. Il a joué au tennis toute la journée.
He played with his cat. Il jouait avec sa chatte.
Quite a few students played truant from school. Pas mal de collégiens séchèrent l'école.
We played the game in accordance with the new rules. Nous avons joué selon les nouvelles règles.
I've never played golf, but I think I'll give it a shot. Je n'ai jamais joué au golf, mais je crois que je vais essayer.
We played tennis yesterday. Nous avons joué au tennis hier.
We played. We lost. How about starting it over? On a joué. On a perdu. On recommence ?
We played an entertaining game of charades after dinner. Nous jouâmes à un amusant jeu de charades après dîner.
How long has it been since you played with a yo-yo? Depuis quand n'as-tu pas joué au yoyo ?
He played the piano and she sang. Il jouait du piano et elle chantait.
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